Michael R. Nadorff
Dr. Nadorff does not plan to take any graduate students for Fall 2025
- B.A., Psychology and Computer Applications, University of Notre Dame, 2007
- M.A., Clinical Psychology, West Virginia University, 2009
- Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, West Virginia University, 2012
- Doctoral Internship, Baylor College of Medicine, 2012
Professional Licenses
- Mississippi license #54 942
Research Interests
- Etiology, assessment, and treatment of suicidal behavior
- Behavioral sleep medicine (particularly assessment and interventions for insomnia and nightmare disorders)
- Clinical geropsychology
- The use of technology for psychological treatment
Representative Recent Publications
Blanchard, A. W., Rufino, K. A., Nadorff, M. R., & Patriquin, M. A. (in press). Improvement in nighttime sleep quality and daytime sleepiness across inpatient psychiatric treatment predicts improved clinical outcomes. Sleep Medicine.
*Barclay, N., *Kelley, K., Brausch, A., Muehlenkamp, J., & Nadorff, M.R. (in press). Changes in the suicide risk behaviors of American college students over time: an analysis of three universities. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
*Pate, A.R., DeShong, H.L., Stafford, T.W.D., Nadorff, M.R. (In Press). Impact of social support on suicidal ideation and attempts among gender minority adults. International Journal of Aging and Human Development.
*Bolstad, C.J., Cui, R., Fiske, A., & Nadorff, M.R. (In Press). Age Moderates the Relation Between Sleep Problems and Suicide Risk. Clinical Gerontologist.
Pierpaoli-Parker, C., *Bolstad, C., *Szkody, E., Amara, A.W., Nadorff, M.R., & Thomas, S.J. (2021). The Impact of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy on Dream Enactment in a Patient with REM-Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Case Study. Dreaming, 31(3), 195-206.
Worley, C.B., *Bolstad, C.J., and Nadorff, M.R. (2021). Epidemiology of disturbing dreams in a diverse U.S. sample. Sleep Medicine, 83, 5-12.
*Simmons, Z., Burlingame, G., Korbanka, J., Eastman, K., Thomas, D., Christensen, J., Jenson, M., Nadorff, M.R., & Kay, D.B. (2021). Insomnia symptom severity is associated with increased suicidality and prospective death by suicide in a psychiatric sample. SLEEP, 44(7), zsab032.
Full list of publications can be found here: https://suicidelab.com/publications/
Current Grant Funding
2024 - 2028 Treating Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Funding Agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: Treating Clinical High Risk for Psychosis in Mississippi
Total Costs: $2,335,289
Role: Co-PI
2021 – 2024 R15 AREA Grant; National Institutes of Health (NIMH)
Number: R15 MH122937
Topic: An Experimental Approach to Emotion Regulation: Investigating Rumination, Cognitive Control, and Maladaptive Behaviors
Total Costs: $412,355
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: DeShong)
2022 – 2025 R15 AREA Grant; National Institutes of Health (NIMH)
Number: R15 MH127565
Topic: Motivational Interviewing to Enhance Behavioral Change in Older Adults with Hoarding Disorder
Total Costs: $436,500
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Dozier)
2022 – 2025 AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education)
Number: R15 MH127565
Topic: Motivational Interviewing to Enhance Behavioral Change in Older Adults with Hoarding Disorder
Total Costs: $436,500
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Dozier)
2023 Strategic Rearch Grant: Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence Research
Funding Agency: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Grant title: Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) for the Treatment of Nightmares in Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Total Costs: $250,000
Role: Co-I (PI: Mundt)
2023 - 2028 Healthy Transitions
Funding Agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: Healthy Transitions Mississippi
Total Costs: $3,749,850
Role: PI
2021 – 2026 Mental Health Awareness Training grant
Funding Agency: SAMHSA
Grant Title: Extending the Mental Health Network of Mississippi Through Mental Health Awareness Training
Total costs: $624,995
Role: PI
2019 – 2024 Drug Free Communities Grant
Funding Agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: Drug Free Starkville Collaboration
Total Costs: $624,385
Role: PI
Past Grant Funding
2019 - 2024 Garrett Lee Smith State Suicide Prevention Grant (subcontract from MS Dept. of Mental Health)
Funding Agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: Innovative MSU Cares - Preventing and Responding to Mississippi Youth Suicide
Total Costs: $1,678,552
Role: Co-PI (with Dr. Emily Stafford also as Co-PI)
2020 - 2022 Garrett Lee Smith State Suicide Prevention Grant
Funding Agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: It Takes A Community: A Comprehensive, Collaborative Suicide Prevention Program
Total Costs: $305,965
Role: PI
2020 – 2021 Mississippi Governor’s Emergency Education Response (GEER) Grant
Funding Agency: State of Mississippi
Grant Title: Improving Mississippi Mental Healthcare Through Telehealth
Total costs: $217,906
Role: PI
2020 – 2021 Mississippi Governor’s Emergency Education Response (GEER) Grant
Funding Agency: State of Mississippi
Grant Title: Mental Health Gatekeeper Trainings
Total costs: $174,411
Role: Co-I (PI: Dr. Mary Nelson Robertson)
2020 – 2022 Rural Opioids Technical Assistance Grant
Funding agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: PReventing Opioid Misuse In the SouthEast: PROMISE Initiative 3.0
Total costs: 1,098,846
Role: Co-PI (PI: Dr. David Buys)
2017 - 2020 R15 AREA Grant (Competitive Renewal); National Institutes of Health (NIMH)
Number: R15 MH101573-02
Topic: Reward Devaluation, Positive Valence Systems Disturbance, and Impairment
Total Costs: $417,379
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Dr. Sam Winer)
2014 - 2017 R15 AREA Grant; National Institutes of Health (NIMH)
Number: 1R15MH101573
Topic: Subchance Perception of Positive Information, Psychopathology, and Impaired Functioning
Total Costs: $416,388
Role: Co-Investigator
2013 - 2016 Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant
Funding Agency: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Grant title: Making Suicide a Never Event at MSU
Total Costs: $304,073
Role: Primary Investigator