Psychology Research Program

Psychology Research Program

Uncovering the secrets of the human mind is likely the most difficult challenge science has ever undertaken! Psychologists rely heavily on research studies, often conducted with undergraduates as participants, to make new discoveries about human behavior. These humble research studies are carefully designed to reveal new knowledge, like finding a tiny jigsaw piece that fits precisely into an enormous puzzle. We ask for your help in this important enterprise. The advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty conducting this research very much appreciate your efforts in their quest to make discoveries. Perhaps a discovery made in one of your experiments will end up in a Psychology textbook or important scientific journal someday! In addition to participating in research studies, we offer the opportunity to learn more about psychology and the research process by completing activities that we call “research alternatives.” We hope that participation in research studies or research alternative activities will provide a window into the science of psychology for you (and we welcome you to major in psychology if you enjoy your psychology classes!).

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